February 3 The Brewster Historical Society shared this fascinating historical record recently, a reflection on a long-standing issue and its various iterations here in Town- in a legal case dating from 1767- of blocking the herring migration in Brewster. Where is John Adams (link to article) when you need him?
As a footnote; The Alewife Committee met yesterday for a site tour and training exercise for the two new wardens at the Stony Brook Mill Fish Ladder. No other sites in the watershed, or corridor, were visited in this preliminary training session led by warden Doug Erickson. Site visits and training sessions such as these are and must be posted and listed as public meetings under the Open Meeting Law and all citizens can attend. (The meeting was posted with little advance notice however, on January 30.) The question was floated at the last committee meeting on 1/ 27 to add two additional wardens to the committee in order to expand their work force and to make discussions among members easier.